Srovnání testů vazebné aktivity na destičkový faktor


Srovnání testů vazebné aktivity na destičkový faktor von Willebrandova: ELISA překrývá typ 2B se ztrátou multimerů HMW  Background: Plenty of new assays with completely different measuring ideas are out there to measure VWF GPIb-binding exercise, however little is understood about how these assays would possibly behave otherwise for subtypes of VWD. Targets: The COMPASS-VWF examine was designed […]

Vyhodnocení ELISA, imunofluorescence a stanovení


Vyhodnocení ELISA, imunofluorescence a stanovení laterálního průtoku pro SARS-CoV-2 sérologické testy  Background: The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has emerged at the end of 2019. Aside from the detection of viral genome with specific RT-PCR, there is a growing need for reliable determination of the serological status. We aimed at evaluating five SARS-CoV-2 serology assays. Methods: An in-house immunofluorescence assay […]

Fotooxidací indukovaný systém zesílení


Fotooxidací indukovaný systém zesílení fluorescence pro ultracitlivý enzymový imunosorbentní test (ELISA)  This report suggests a method of enhancing the sensitivity of chemifluorescence-based ELISA, using photooxidation-induced fluorescence amplification (PIFA). The PIFA utilized autocatalytic photooxidation of the chemifluorescent substrate, 10-acetyl 3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (ADHP, Amplex Red) to amplify the fluorescent product resorufin, initially oxidized by horse radish peroxidase (HRP). […]

Neočekávané falešně pozitivní sazby


Neočekávané falešně pozitivní sazby v pediatrické sérologii SARS-CoV-2 s použitím testu ELIM IgG Anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA IgG   Aims: Serologic assay efficiency research for extreme acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-​2) in pediatric populations are missing, and few seroprevalence research have routinely included orthogonal testing to enhance accuracy. Strategies: Remnant serum samples for routine bloodwork from 2,338 pediatric […]